Jared Torres - Back End Developer

Learning Atom

  • Introduction to the Atom Interface

  • GIT Essential Training

  • What is Git? - Git is open source program that is a form of version control to manage projects.

  • Install Git - Learned how to install Git on your computer and on different platforms.

  • Getting Started - Understood the basics of making a repository and making commit messages.

  • Git Concepts and Architecture - Understanding the workflow of a Git repository and the process of committing changes.

  • Make Changes to Files - Learned how to add, edit, delete, and view any changes to staged files before they are committed to the repository.

  • Use Git with a real project

  • Undo Changes - Undoing any changes made and restoring previous commits while maintaining data integrity.
  • Ignore files - In Git, you can ignore files that are constantly changing that don't need to be committed or aren't relevant to your aspect of the project.

  • Git: Branches, Merges, and Remotes

  • Navigate the Commit Tree - Used the "git log" command in various ways to read commits to make navigating a project easier.

  • Branching - Creating different versions within a repository. You can create, rename, compare, and delete these branches.

  • Reset Branches - Allows you to revert back to and change the state of branches. You can do a soft, mixed, or hard reset.

  • Merge Branches - Understanding how to merge branches and resolve any conflicts that pop as you merge branches to the master.

  • Stash Changes - Stash is a feature in Git that allows you to save a change without committing them. you can view, retrieve, or delete them as needed.

  • Set Up a Remote - Learned how to set up a remote repository with the GitHub site and learned out to clone a respository to add to another computer if needed.

  • Collaborate with a Remote - With a remote repository established, you can push changes to it, fetch those changes to a local repository, merge changes to the remote repository, and explains the overall workflow and collaboration that can take place in a work enviornment.

  • GitHub Essential Training

  • The Modern Development Pipeline with GitHub - Explains how the basic workflow of using GitHub while also integrating certain security measures to the master branch, and using tools such as Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery to enhange the workflow.

  • The Super Charged GitHub Flow in Action - Learned how to implement a CI (Continuous Integration) onto a repository.

  • Understanding How Git Works- Understanding how git works locally and learning the anatomy of a commit, how to make aliases for git commands, and reverting changes in Git.

  • Get Out of Anything with Git - With Git, you can reset commits, retrieve files from a hard reset, and use rebase if you need to restructure your commit history.

  • Resolving Merge Conflicts - With GitHub, you can resolve any conflicts locally before you push them onto the remote repository.

  • Customizing Your Workflows - It is always best to communicate with your team about different strategies on how to approach merges, branch names, and workflow so to avoid delays, bugs, and lost development time.

  • Scheduling for Creatives

  • The Everyday Schedule - Its important to have a schedule that flows between work, your client, and your life. Its critical to make sure that your schedule is flexible enough to adapt to any last minute changes or any pitfalls on a project.

  • How to Schedule You - Whenever you need to schedule yourself, its important to figure out the times that you're most productive and have a solid routine that will maximize your productivity.

  • Understanding the Team Schedule - Having a schedule with some established ground rules, figuring out ways to get the most out of your team will be useful and help avoid asking more time from your client.

  • How to Manage Client's Timing - Having your client involved in the scheduling process will help ease their mind about how long it will take to get a project done. Its also important to try to keep the relationship of client as professional as possible even if you decide to go your separate ways.

  • Some Tools That Can Help - Even though there are a myriad of ways to commumicate, its better to have a face to face meeting as long as its quick. While having a handwritten to do list is good, its just as good if not better to have a digital tool to help keep you organized.